Tomato spotted wilt virus – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Tomato spotted wilt virus

Symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus include stunting such can be seen in the tomatoes

Figure 1. Symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus include stunting such can be seen in the tomatoes on the right. Note the baskets of hanging flowers in the greenhouse.

tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato

Figure 2. Tomato spotted wilt virus includes a necrotic ring spot lesion.

Tomato in center of photo is wilting due to tomato spotted wilt virus.

Figure 3. Tomato in center of photo is wilting due to tomato spotted wilt virus.

Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato.

Figure 4. Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato.

tomato spotted wilt virus

Figure 5. Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato.

Center plant is stunted and wilted due to tomato spotted wilt virus.

Figure 6. Center plant is stunted and wilted due to tomato spotted wilt virus.

Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato.

Figure 7. Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato.

Chlorosis due to tomato spotted wilt virus.

Figure 8. Chlorosis due to tomato spotted wilt virus.

Wide spread symptoms of tomato spotted wilt symptoms in greenhouse.

Figure 9. Wide spread symptoms of tomato spotted wilt symptoms in greenhouse.

Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato.

Figure 10. Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato.

thrips on tomato leaf

Figure 11. Thrips feeding on tomato leaf.

Necrosis due to tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato leaf.

Figure 12. Necrosis due to tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato leaf.

Symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato fruit.

Figure 13. Symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato fruit.

Symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato fruit.

Figure 14. Symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato fruit.

 Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato fruit.

Figure 15. Tomato spotted wilt virus on tomato fruit.

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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