New Questionnaire to Identify Grower Interest in Novel Weed Management Technology – Vegetable Crops Hotline

New Questionnaire to Identify Grower Interest in Novel Weed Management Technology

This questionnaire is part of a USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI)-funded proposal  (DEVELOPING A NATIONAL TEAM TO OPTIMIZE NON-HERBICIDE WEED MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN COLE AND LEAFY GREEN CROPS) to identify grower interest in novel technology for weed management. Novel technology includes vision-guided sprayers/thinners, steam weeding, and precision mechanical, laser, and electric weeders. It may also include drone-based activities such as imaging, mapping, and pesticide application. Specifically, our team would like to know what tools and services are/would be valuable to you and what barriers are in place that would prevent you from adopting specific technologies. The questionnaire is available at  More information about the project can be found at

Figure 1. A Carbon Robotics weeder demonstration at a field day in Salinas, CA. Photo by Matthew Cutulle


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Page last modified: September 15, 2022

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