Career Opportunity at Purdue Extension – Food Systems Coordinator – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Career Opportunity at Purdue Extension – Food Systems Coordinator

The Food Systems (FS) Coordinator leads a state extension program with the main focus on realizing value-added opportunities for local food systems. These systems include clusters of producers, processors, distributors, sellers, consumers, and supporting organizations that have proven to enhance the rural and urban economy, the environment, food access and nutrition, and strengthen producers and markets.

The FS Coordinates a multidisciplinary team formed of educators, specialists, students, practitioners, industry and non-profit partners to meet Food Systems’ clientele needs. The main clientele of the FS Coordinator is small farmers in the state of Indiana with a special focus on underserved, resource-limited, socially disadvantaged, military veterans and urban clientele. The FS Coordinator is a critical part of and an active contributor to the Diversified Farming and Food Systems (DFFS) team. This position reports to the Agricultural and Natural Resources Program Leader at Purdue University.

The FS coordinator works closely with ANR Educators and Extension Specialists in developing and implementing a strategic path in support of FS clientele and leverage on current Purdue investments such as the Indiana Small Business Development Center Agribusiness Initiative, the Food Entrepreneurship and Manufacturing Institute (FEMI), and the Purdue Initiative for Family Firms (PIFF). The FS coordinator generates funding from external sources, develops and facilitates a network of local food producers, and provides training and mentoring opportunities to new extension staff.

For more details, please visit Purdue Careers


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Page last modified: February 22, 2023

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