Hiring Horticulture Crops Research Manager at Throckmorton Purdue Ag Center – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Hiring Horticulture Crops Research Manager at Throckmorton Purdue Ag Center

The Throckmorton Purdue Ag Center located in Lafayette, IN is hiring a Horticulture Crops Research Manager. The person will play important roles in managing vegetable, fruit and other specialty crop research at Purdue. Below is the detailed job description. If you know anyone who is interested and qualified for the job, please encourage them to apply through the link https://careers.purdue.edu/job-invite/18246/  

Job Summary

The Horticulture Crops Research Manager will provide expertise and assistance to faculty and graduate students in the Departments of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Botany and Plant Pathology and Entomology and other departments within the College of Agriculture. Overall management of field operations including implementing and maintaining applied field research trials related to fruit, vegetable and specialty crops at the Samuel Meigs Horticulture Facility located within the Throckmorton Purdue Ag Center. You will be responsible for interpreting research protocols, assisting with trial design and installation, managing yearly field research rotations and making and implementing disease and pest management practices. Additional duties include:

  • Effectively communicate and work with researchers and others conducting field trials at the Meigs Horticulture Facility
  • Utilize knowledge of field plot design, statistics and information about the assets available to conduct research to assist in successful plot design and data collection
  • Utilize knowledge of field plot research to manage overall production of fruit, vegetable and specialty crops being grown in the field trials
  • Communicate field trial protocols to ag center staff and work closely with lead principle investigators to achieve successful results
  • Provide field scouting to monitor disease and pest management needs of each field trial
  • Work closely with ag center Superintendent to maintain adequate supplies of crop inputs, pest management products, field trial supplies and equipment on an annual basis
  • Engage in professional develop opportunities to enhance knowledge of crop production techniques, field trial methods and technology advancements.
  • Provide timely updates to faculty utilizing the ag center for their research efforts
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of various field days, grower workshops and specialized field events at the ag center organized by lead researchers presenting data and plot results the growers in Indiana
  • Participate in the presentation of research results developed at Meigs during afore mentioned events
  • Assist ag center staff in the overall operation of the ag center.  This includes rotation field crop production, maintenance of equipment, buildings and infrastructure of the ag center


  • Bachelor of Science in Horticulture or related area
  • 4 years of related experience
  • Knowledge in the design, management, and overall care of vegetable, fruit tree, and specialty crop field studies
  • Ability to exercise independent judgment and problem solve
  • Ability to develop and maintain continuous working relationships
  • Basic computer skills, good communication, and ability to operate farm equipment
  • Ability to assist with horticultural extension outreach programs
  • This position requires that a commercial pesticide applicator license obtained within 12 months of employment.
  • Valid U.S. or Canadian driver’s license
  • Travel
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Page last modified: February 18, 2022

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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