PARP News – Paper Exam Session for Plain People – Vegetable Crops Hotline

PARP News – Paper Exam Session for Plain People

Purdue pesticide programs

To overcome religious-based objections to online exams, the Office of the Indiana State Chemist (OISC) will be offering paper-and-pencil exams at Purdue to ‘plain people.’  The remaining 2023 exam dates are as follows:  June 13 and November 3 at 1 PM Eastern time.  We will be offering CORE and Category 14 exams at the William H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center.  It is located at 1340 Cherry Ln, West Lafayette, IN 47907.  There is construction on Cherry Lane.  Attendees can only enter from McCormick Road to the west.

Preregistration is required at least 2 business days before the exam. There is no fee to take the test.  We are only offering exams for private applicators with religious objections. To signup, please email Laura Fritz at  or call (765) 494-6271.  Training materials can be purchased by emailing   or calling (765) 494-6795.

To take the exam, the examinee must meet the following criteria: 18 + years old, religious objection to computer-based testing, pre-registration, and presentation of a valid ID on the exam day. The I.D requirement can be met in three ways:

1-Valid Indiana I.D. card with photo

2-Valid Indiana photo exempt I.D. card

3-Birth certificate, social security card and piece of mail with name that matches the social security card and birth certificate.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.  Thank you for your help in communicating this important message.

Beth Carter,   Investigator, Office of Indiana State Chemist

Purdue Pesticide Programs


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Page last modified: May 18, 2023

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