On September 23 and 24, farmers were featured in Farm Aid 2023 in Noblesville.
Indiana SARE was so proud to see many featured farmers with powerful videos showing their farm and sustainable practices https://www.farmaid.org/…/watch-indiana-farmers-speak…/ who have gotten and implemented North Central Region SARE grants. Four SARE grant calls are out now. Contact Lais McCartney at lmccartn@purdue.edu if you have questions as you work to apply. Visits the SARE website at https://northcentral.sare.org/. SARE grants are wonderful tools if you want to share your sustainable practice or test a sustainable practice. Here’s one video from Legacy Taste of Garden from Princeton, IN: https://youtu.be/PFVQOQ8PbmA?si=XFrRiQGIb_JCucd5