The Diverse Cornbelt Project – Vegetable Crops Hotline

The Diverse Cornbelt Project

The Diverse Cornbelt project (#DCB) is a five-year, multi-disciplinary project exploring the real-world impacts of diversified farming systems beyond corn and soybeans in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. With more than 30 partners, we are seeking concrete options for diversification and understanding the agronomic, economic, social, infrastructure and policy changes that could make them viable.

In order to understand the current system and explore future possibilities—in order to even imagine what diversity means in the Corn Belt of the future—we need to hear from farmers, non-farm rural residents, city and town officials, bankers, grocers, processors, investors, policy makers and more. We need to hear from you.

Please contact Emily Usher ( if you would be willing to join a focus group, host research on your farm or contribute your insights to the Diverse Corn Belt Project. Your vision can help us shape the future.

For more information about DCB, check out


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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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