Tools to Help Midwest Specialty Crop Producers Better Adapt to Changing Climate – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Tools to Help Midwest Specialty Crop Producers Better Adapt to Changing Climate

The Midwestern Regional Climate Center, the USDA Midwest Climate Hub, and National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) are partnering to determine data needs and develop additional tools, educational resources and other information for producers to better adapt to a variable and changing climate. Changing climatic conditions are having a wide ranging impact on agriculture in the Midwest including changes in crop yields, season length, and soil health.

To meet these changes, we will host several workshops with specialty crop producers and extension staff to determine specific data and tool needs as well as climate change education needs this coming winter. To decipher what specialty crop producers are currently using, and to facilitate the adaption and creation of new tools, the following survey ( has been created to help gather information. From the results of this survey, we will be inviting producers to workshops in December, 2017. Please visit our website for more information and printable PDFs of our goals and objectives and the survey.

If you have questions or require more information, please contact:
Beth Hall – Director, Midwest Regional Climate Center,
Charlene Felkley – Coordinator, USDA Midwest Climate Hub, or at 515-294-0136

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Page last modified: August 18, 2017

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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