Summary of 2019 On-farm Grafted Cucumber Trials – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Summary of 2019 On-farm Grafted Cucumber Trials

On-farm trial #1:

Location: Camden IN

Transplant date: Feb. 22 2019

Heating: Plants were grown in a heated high tunnel

Plant No. and plants lost: By the end of Mar. 2019, 21 out of 38 non-grafted cucumbers died. None of the 72 grafted plants died.

Harvest duration: Apr. 17 – July 23


Treatment Yield (lb) Yield (No.)
Corinto/Marvel 306.28 411
None grafted Corinto 41.5 66

Grower notes: We had very cold weather after transplanting, March 2-5 was near frozen every night.


On-farm trial #2:

Location: Camden IN

Transplant date: Mar. 28, 2019

Heating: Plants were grown in an unheated high tunnel.

Plant No. and plants lost: By May 29, 6 out of 25 none grafted Corinto died; 2 out of 24 Corinto/Marvel died; 1 out of 24 Corinto/Carnivor died; 8 out of 25 none grafted Taurus died; 2 out of 24 Taurus/Marvel died; 4 out of 24 Taurus/Carnivor died.

Harvest duration: May 29 – June 28. Harvest ended because of bacterial wilt


Treatment Yield (lb) Yield (No.)
Corinto/Carnivor 87.82 121
Corinto/Marvel 65.82 90
None grafted Corinto 28.5 47
Taurus/Carnivor 54.1 70
Taurus/Marvel 35.78 46
NG Taurus 36.52 49


On-farm trial #3:

Location: Freedom IN

Transplant date: Mar. 28, 2019

Heating: Plants were grown in an unheated high tunnel

Plant No. and plants lost: By May 1, lost 10 out of the 24 none grafted Corinto. No plants lost for other treatments.

Harvest duration: May 14 – June 17. Harvest ended because of bacterial wilt


Treatment Yield (lb) Yield (No.)
Excelsior/Carnivor 56.54 247
Excelsior/Marvel 51.23 227
None grafted Excelsior 16.13 74
Corinto/Carnivor 67.42 118
Corinto/Marvel 78.41 137
None grafted Corinto 6.4 15

Grower notes May 1All grafted plants are doing well. I think there may be a slight edge that Marvel is doing better than Carnivor on the stocks. I have lost 10 of the 24 non grafted Corinto. Have not lost any Excelsior. Both varieties of non grafted are very stunted. Both non grafted are fruiting heavily on the tops by the new leader. At this point I am not sure any of the non grafted will survive or amount to much production. I have only a few of the grafted plants that are small but look healthy.


On-farm trial #4:

Location: Evansville IN

Transplant date: Apr. 4, 2019

Heating: Plants were grown in an unheated high tunnel.

Plant No. and plants lost: By May 1, 13 out of 25 none grafted Taurus died; 9 out of 20 Taurus/Carnivor died; 14 out of 20 Taurus/Marvel died. Replanted

Harvest duration: May 19 – Aug. 2


Treatment Yield (lb) Yield (No.)
None grafted Taurus 234.22 243
Taurus/Carnivor 230.99 235
Taurus/Marvel 213.07 234


On-farm trial #5

Location: Middletown, OH

Transplant date: Apr. 1, 2019

Heating: Plants were grown in an unheated high tunnel

Plant No. and plants lost: 21 plants of Socrates/Carnivor, 22 plants of Socrates/Marvel, 25 plants of none grafted Socrates were planted. No record on plant lost

Harvest duration: May 24 – Oct. 8


Treatment Yield (lb)/plant Yield (No.)/plant
Socrates/Carnivor 20.6 16.5
Socrates/Marvel 21.6 16.7
Non-grafted Socrates 32.4 24.6

Grower notes: My conclusion is that I need to transplant into the hoop house the first of March to gain a growing advantage with the grafted plants.


On-farm trial #6

Location: Lowell, IN

Transplant date: Apr. 12, 2019

Heating: Plants were grown in an unheated high tunnel

Plant No. and plants lost: Lost 9 out of 12 non-grafted plants; 2 out of 10 of Corinto/Marvel; 0 out of 15 of Corinto/Carnivor

Harvest duration: June 13 – Oct. 7


Treatment Yield (lb) Yield (lb)/plant
Corinto/Carnivor 484.6 32.3
Corinto/Marvel 193.5 24.2
None grafted Corinto 29 10


On-farm trial #7

Location: Silver Lake, IN

Transplant date: March 13, 2019

Heating: Plants were grown in a heated high tunnel

Plant No. and plants lost: Lost 3 out of 28 none grafted Corinto, 1 out of 28 Corinto/Marvel

Harvest duration: Apr. 28 – July 2


Treatment Yield (lb) Yield (No.)
Corinto/Marvel 177.8 317
None grafted Corinto 112.6 202


Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.

Page last modified: October 28, 2020

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