Coronavirus Food Assistance Program – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

USDA will soon begin taking applications for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. As part of applying for the program, you’ll need to contact the Farm Service Agency county office at your local USDA Service Center to schedule an appointment. Find your office at

Your local FSA staff will work with you to apply for the program, and through forms asking for this type of information:

  • Contact
  • Personal, including your Tax Identification Number
  • Farming operating structure
  • Adjusted Gross Income to ensure eligibility
  • Direct deposit to enable payment processing

Please do not send any personal information to USDA without first initiating contact through a phone call.

FSA has streamlined the signup process to not require an acreage report at the time of application and a USDA farm number may not be immediately needed.

If you are an existing customer, this information is likely on file at your local Service Center.

What Can You Do Now?

While the application process has not started, you can start gathering and understanding your farm’s recent sales and inventory.

How Will USDA Accept Applications?

USDA Service Centers are open for business by phone appointment only. Once the application period opens, please call your FSA county office to schedule an appointment.

Our staff are working with our agricultural producers by phone and using email, fax, mail, and online tools to accept applications.

New to Working with the Farm Service Agency?

FSA has county offices located at USDA Service Centers across the country. To find your office and more information on CFAP, visit

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Page last modified: May 21, 2020

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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