Dr. Amanda Deering Appointed to Fresh Produce Safety Extension Faculty Position – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Dr. Amanda Deering Appointed to Fresh Produce Safety Extension Faculty Position

Dr. Amanda Deering

Dr. Amanda Deering

​Amanda Deering started her Extension/Research appointment July 1, 2015 in a new role as a Clinical Assistant Professor in fresh produce food safety. Amanda grew up on a farm in a small farming community located in the “thumb” of Michigan and joined the Food Science department in the fall of 2013 as a Research Assistant Professor. Amanda earned her bachelor’s degree in biology and master’s degree in plant biology from Central Michigan University. She completed her Ph.D. at Purdue University in food microbiology and food safety specializing in fresh produce food safety. Her research focuses on examining internalization of human pathogenic bacteria in plants, as well as routes of contamination that can contribute to plants harboring pathogenic bacteria. Amanda works closely with industry to develop and test novel sanitization treatments that can be used for fresh produce. She also has been involved in research and Extension activities related to preventing foodborne illness associated with fresh produce.  Some specific Extension activities Amanda will be involved in are to deliver GAPs trainings for growers/producers, coordinate education and training for county and campus staff in GAPs and related food safety needs, and to develop resources that will address the real-time needs of growers. Amanda may be contacted at adeering@purdue.edu or 765-494-0512.

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