With Halloween comes the final issue of the Vegetable Crops Hotline for 2014. The first issue of 2015 is included with a 2014 subscription, but now is the time for subscribers who receive a paper copy in the mail to renew. A renewal form is included with this issue. Email subscribers will remain on the subscription list as long as the email address works. I’m interested in hearing suggestions about how to make the newsletter more useful to you. Part of that is delivering it in a format that you like. You can subscribe to receive a paper copy of this newsletter by U.S. mail, sign up to receive an email announcement when the pdf issue is posted online, or just visit vegcropshotline.org and download an issue when you need it. Indiana Vegetable Growers Association members receive a paper copy as a benefit of membership.Are there other ways you would like to receive or be notified about the Vegetable Crops Hotline? Let me know by completing the survey below and sending it in with your renewal, or take the survey online at http://bit.ly/1vdSQom.