Finding Pesticide Labels for State-specific Registrations – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Finding Pesticide Labels for State-specific Registrations

Many pesticides for use on vegetables have varying rules for use in different states. This article will review the different classes of labels for pesticides and where to find labels online.

The shorthand names for classes of labels come from the section of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act that governs each class. National labels are called Section 3 labels. These labels are approved by EPA for uses throughout the country. The Master Label on file with the EPA includes all registered uses. The label on a marketed product often contains only a subset of those uses. Even with federal approval of a Section 3 label, in order to be sold and used in Indiana, the product must also be registered with the Office of the Indiana State Chemist. To find products that are registered in Indiana, visit the NPIRS public web site. Search by product name, EPA registration number, company name, or active ingredient. Several products may come up. Select the appropriate one. For most products, there will be a link to the label that is approved in Indiana.

When there are conditions specific to one state, a Special Local Needs, or 24C label may be approved that describes additional uses registered and permitted in that state. Sometimes 24C labels are available at sites such as, or from the manufacturer’s website. Products with 24C labels in Indiana will be listed on the state NPIRS public site, but the listing title may not include all crops, and the label may not be available there. For instance, a search for ‘Dual Magnum®‘ turns up a listing for ‘Dual Magnum® – Transplanted Bell Peppers’, with IN Registration Number SLN IN-1300003, but there is no link to a label. In the case of this product, the manufacturer requires that users assume risk of using the product. This is called an indemnified label. For Syngenta products like Dual Magnum®, the indemnified labels are available at To find one, look under ‘Crop Protection’ and then ‘Labels – Indemnified labels.’ At this point the user will need to register with Syngenta, agree to the user agreement, and create a username and password. Then, login with those credentials, and follow instructions on screen to obtain a pdf copy of the label.

When there is an emergency need for a pesticide, a Section 18 label may be approved. On the NPIRS site these products can be identified because the IN Registration Number will begin with S18.

The label is important because it explains how to legally use the pesticide. It is also useful because it provides instruction on how to use it most effectively and with least injury to the crop. A three-ring binder with current labels and MSDS sheets for your pesticides makes it easy to review use and safety instructions. Alternatively, or in addition to a binder, storing pdfs on a computer, tablet, or phone means they are readily accessed even when an internet connection is not available.



Section 3, Federal Supplemental Label, Sections 18 & 24c – What’s the Difference? Washington State Department of Agriculture

Pesticide Emergency Exemptions. Environmental Protection Agency.

Guidance on FIFRA 24(c) Registrations. Environmental Protection Agency.

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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