From the Editor’s Desk – Vegetable Crops Hotline

From the Editor’s Desk

Welcome to the Vegetable Crops Hotline (VCH), Purdue Extension’s exclusive newsletter for people in the business of growing vegetables.

In this issue, we highlight the occurrence of pumpkin viruses in Indiana, reflect on the 2023 dry bean season, provide an update on vegetable pricing at the Clearspring Produce Auction, cover weather trends, and look at winter educational events.


This is a reminder that we have a page on the Vegetable Crops Hotline Newsletter webpage listing many resources available. If you don’t have internet access, please get in touch with your local county Extension office and ask for their assistance. Resource links include ten Purdue Vegetable Websites, five Video Playlists, and several Social Media connections.

Website links

Frequently, we include links to websites or publications that are available online. If you can’t access these resources or can’t see the web address, don’t hesitate to contact your local county Extension office or us to request a hard copy of the information.

Remember, we have a great Horticulture Team that can assist you. A complete list is available HERE.

All previous articles published in the VCH newsletter are available on the VCH website You can use the search function to quickly access the relevant information.

Very Important: Vegetable Crop Hotline Survey

We will launch a survey on October 24, 2023, to get your feedback. This is the first time that VCH is asking its subscribers to give us some feedback. Surveys will be sent via email and U.S. Mail to current subscribers and will also be available online for our local, national, and international audiences. The survey will help us improve our services to you. Thank you in advance for setting some time aside to help us improve our service to you.

We would like to hear from you

ANR Educators and Growers, reach out to us if you are experiencing a vegetable production-related issue you think other growers need to know of. Remember, we have a great Horticulture Team that can assist you. A complete list is available HERE.

Send us pictures of success stories, activities, or issues in your county or on your farm. Please include a description and provide the name of the person who needs to get credit for the picture. These pictures could be used in future Vegetable Crops Hotline Newsletter articles. Submit your stories HERE.

Do not hesitate to contact me, Petrus Langenhoven, at if you have any questions or suggestions to improve the newsletter.

Enjoy reading this issue!

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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