Hydroponic GAPs – Good Agricultural Practices for Food Safety of Hydroponic Crops – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Hydroponic GAPs – Good Agricultural Practices for Food Safety of Hydroponic Crops

Hydroponic Lettuce

Figure 1. Hydroponic lettuce (Photo by Petrus Langenhoven).

This is an extract from a news release by The Ohio State University.

The goal of this online course is to provide hydroponic growers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement best management practices specific to controlled environments (greenhouses, indoor farms, high tunnels, etc.) to reduce microbial food safety hazards in hydroponic vegetable and fruit production systems.

Participants will learn how to:

  • assess food safety risks and conduct risk assessments for their operation,
  • develop a food safety plan specific to their production practices,
  • understand the requirements surrounding the quality of nutrient solutions to ensure a safe crop,
  • implement best post-harvest handling practices for hydroponics,
  • design appropriate sanitation and cleaning protocols for hydroponic operations,
  • manage pests and animal intrusions in controlled environments,
  • develop best personnel health and hygiene policies, and
  • implement best storage practices and traceability.

Participants will receive a certificate of participation after completing this course.

Register HERE (Registration is closed).

This course is offered through The Ohio State University Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program. If you have questions about the course, contact instructors Melanie Ivey at ivey.14@osu.edu or Sanja Ilic at ilic.2@osu.edu.


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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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