Indiana Grown Initiative to be Launched – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Indiana Grown Initiative to be Launched

​The Indiana State Department of Agriculture is officially launching the Indiana Grown Initiative on July 7, 2015. This free marketing program will enable all Indiana agricultural and food products to be labeled and marketed with an Indiana brand. It is a very comprehensive program that will include many market channels and farm products. This program has immense potential to create new local and regional market channels for Indiana agricultural and food businesses through three initiatives: 1) Educate consumers on the importance of buying Indiana Grown products; 2) Increase networking and sales opportunities for Indiana farmers; and 3) Expand support for Indiana processors in their effort to process more Indiana Grown products. There are four categories for the program:

  • 100% Indiana – Must be grown and/or all ingredients from Indiana
  • Prepared in Indiana – Ingredients can be sourced elsewhere, but 100% of production is in Indiana
  • Partner – Company or institution that will assist in marketing Indiana Grown products and members
  • Indiana Grown – All others

Addressing initiative 2 (above), the ISDA and Tiny Footprints Distribution will be hosting a food show for Kroger on June 26, 2015 at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds (see flyer below). Kroger will be placing 107 Indiana Grown kiosks in their Indiana stores, and they are seeking producers of shelf-stable, fresh, frozen, proteins or seafood products to feature. As a result of these marketing kiosks, some of these brands may find a future place on permanent shelves in Kroger stores throughout their distribution. This is a fantastic opportunity for those of you who are interested in selling your Indiana products to this retailer. These businesses do not need to be absolutely ready to sell to Kroger, but need to have a quality product that will sell. Kroger will assist with the requirements necessary to bring that product into these Indiana Grown kiosks. Even if you grow fresh produce and cannot bring your product to the show, you may be able to attend this event. To attend the Kroger Product Selection Show please contact David King at the ISDA by June 24: or 317-607-9797.

The Kroger event, and future events with retailers, distributors, and other buyers, will all require that you are a member of Indiana Grown. This free application can be completed online or in paper format and mailed to the ISDA. Information is included in the application: As an Indiana Grown member, you gain the right to use the Indiana Grown label on your products, receive marketing support and have access to a community of buyers and producers seeking to increase their supply of Indiana Grown agricultural products. For more information, please contact David King at the ISDA, or 317-607-9797.

Indiana Grown

Indiana Grown

Indiana Grown Event Flyer

Indiana Grown Event Flyer

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Page last modified: February 8, 2016

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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