Major Redesign Coming to Uplink ESS – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Major Redesign Coming to Uplink ESS

The Indiana Department of Workforce Development is undertaking a major redesign of its Uplink Employer Self-Service system (ESS) to better meet the needs of employers.

ESS provides employers with online access to Unemployment Insurance account information, including report submission, tax payments and information on account issues.

The first phase of the redesign will be completed by April 30 and will include: online, printable copies of notices and mailings; intuitive menus featuring easier to read fonts and graphics; simplified user roles; consolidated wage and contribution reporting; and fully integrated electronic payment options.

“The redesign of the ESS is a much needed and welcome upgrade to the ESS user experience,” said Gina Ashley, DWD Chief Unemployment Insurance and Workforce Solutions Officer. “These upgrades are the result of two years of conducting employer surveys and identifying of best practices. Businesses that use the ESS to access their Unemployment Insurance account, submit reports and make payments will find a more intuitive and user-friendly tool.”

Beginning in the first quarter of 2019, employers will file one quarterly report, and electronic filing will be required. A fully integrated electronic payment system with a free e-check option eliminates the need to go to a separate website to pay.

In the future, employers will be able to use their email addresses to access the ESS system, use shared services for payroll and reporting, and designate multiple people to receive critical DWD communications like merit rate notices via online access.

DWD launched ESS in 2007 to provide employers with online access to their Unemployment Insurance account information, which includes submitting reports, making tax payments and learning about any issues affecting their accounts.

DWD embarked on the redesign after surveying employers to learn what changes they would most like to see to the ESS system.  The purpose of the effort is to deliver better government service (one of Gov. Holcomb’s pillars of his NextLevel Agenda) to employers and their agents with an easy-to-use system that promotes a paperless environment.

The improvements to the ESS system also will lead to increased reporting accuracy, reduced opportunities for benefit fraud and better data for informed decision-making.

For more information, visit

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