MW Vegetable Guide Updates – Vegetable Crops Hotline

MW Vegetable Guide Updates

The following updates have been made to the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2017 (ID-56) since it was published in December. These updates have been made to the PDFs published on-line at  If you have a hard copy of the ID-56, please note these changes.

Page 59-Additional plant families and example crops have been added to Table 22.

Page 82-Dual Magnum entries under asparagus weed control have been updates to include Michigan only language.

Page107-Velum Prime has been added to powdery mildew control for cucurbits; 6.5-6.84 fl. oz/A. May cause a mild yellowing of leaf margin.  May be applied through drip.

Page 116- Velum Prime has been added to root knot nematode control for cucurbits; 6.5-6.84 fl. oz/A. May cause a mild yellowing of leaf margin.  May be applied through drip.

Page 117-Entry for Luna Sensation should read “All cucurbits” under comments.

Page 190- Velum Prime has been added to early blight control for potato; 6.5-6.84 fl. oz/A. Apply specified dose through overhead irrigation.

Page 191- Velum Prime has been added to root knot nematode control for potato; 6.5-6.84 fl. oz/A. Apply specified dose through overhead irrigation.

Page 192- Velum Prime has been added to white mold control for potato; 6.5-6.84 fl. oz/A. Apply specified dose through overhead irrigation.

Page 221-a source for obtaining corn earworm traps has been added:

Kevin Poppe
25738 N. 3200
EastLexington, IL 61753
(309) 365-3651


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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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