New Leadership Appointed for the Indiana Horticulture Congress – Vegetable Crops Hotline

New Leadership Appointed for the Indiana Horticulture Congress

On April 1, 2019, Dr. Hazel Wetzstein, Head of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, announced a change in leadership for the Indiana Horticulture Congress. “I am pleased to announce that Petrus Langenhoven and Kyle Daniel have agreed to serve as Co-Chairs for the Indiana Horticulture Congress, effective immediately. They bring a wealth of information and experience and I am looking forward to the leadership they will bring to IHC”.

Peter Hirst, will be stepping down as chair. He is going to maintain a program in Pomology in the HLA Department and will assume an active international role as Assistant Director in International Programs in Agriculture (IPIA). “We all wish to thank Peter for his dedication and many years of service as IHC Chair. It is important to note that the past successes of Hort Congress would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of Lori Jolly-Brown and Tristand Tucker, which are much appreciated. Lori will continue in her excellent role as the primary staff organizer and liaison”.

Petrus and Kyle are looking forward to serving the specialty crop growers of Indiana. You can reach them at or (765) 496-7955, and or (765) 494-7621. Please contact us if you have any suggestions on how we could expand and improve your Indiana Hort Congress experience.



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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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