Recent Changes in Home-Based Vendors Regulations – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Recent Changes in Home-Based Vendors Regulations

Home-based vendors (HBV) in Indiana must follow certain regulations to sell food products made in a non-inspected space, like a home kitchen. HBV regulations require vendors to obtain a food handler certificate and restrict where HBVs may sell their products. Until recently, whole, uncut produce was subject to HBV regulations and requirements. As of July 1, 2023, whole, uncut produce is no longer covered under HBV laws in Indiana. This means that vendors only selling whole, uncut produce no longer need to obtain a food handler certificate or meet other HBV regulations. This was the only product removed from the list of products subject to these rules. For more information about home-based vendor regulations, visit our HBV webpage.


Cherry tomatoes for sale at Farmers Market.

Cherry tomatoes for sale at Farmers Market (Photo copyright 2016 Purdue University, College of Agriculture).

If produce growers are interested in food safety education, we recommend that growers take the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training. This 8-hour course is geared specifically toward fruit and vegetable growers and focuses on Good Agricultural Practices to prevent the contamination of fresh produce. Trainers from Purdue Extension’s Safe Produce Indiana team will cover topics including agricultural water quality, worker hygiene, soil amendments, postharvest sanitation, and more. The Safe Produce Indiana team is in the process of scheduling in-person and remote training courses for the upcoming fall/winter. Some training will be offered at no cost, thanks to a grant awarded to the Indiana Farmers Market Community of Practice. Check out the Safe Produce Indiana website, where upcoming training dates and locations will be posted in the coming weeks!

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Page last modified: October 23, 2023

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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