Registration Open for Feb 9th NW Indiana Vegetable Series – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Registration Open for Feb 9th NW Indiana Vegetable Series

On February 9, 2023, Purdue Extension will host the Northwest Indiana Vegetable Series. Pests and diseases present challenges for vegetable producers. This program is designed to give growers the knowledge to manage these and improve their production. This will be a half day program held at Gelsosomo’s Pizzeria in Valparaiso and Unity Gardens in South Bend.

The South Bend program will start at 9:00 AM Eastern time at Unity Gardens (3701 Prast Blvd, South Bend, IN 46628). The speakers for the program will include: Dr. Stephen Meyers discussing off-target herbicides on specialty crops, Dr. Laura Ingwell covering cultural and organic management of brassica pests, Dr. Dan Egel presenting the top 10 disease management tips for tomato growers, and finally, all the speakers explaining how to use the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide. There is no charge for this program.

The Valparaiso program will begin at 12:30 PM Central at Gelsosomo’s Pizzeria (2605 Laporte Ave, Valparaiso, IN 46383). The speakers and topics will be the same as the morning. There is a $15 fee for this program to cover the cost of the provided lunch.

Both programs will have credits available for private pesticide applicators and commercial applicators. Please bring your license and $10 for private pesticide applicator credits.

To register for either program, visit  or you can contact Rebecca Koetz at or 219-755-3240 for more information.

Flyer for Feb 9 morning vegetable program

Flyer for Feb. 9 afternoon vegetable program.

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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