Register for the Food Safety Certification for Specialty Crops Webinar Expanding Market Access: Financial Assistance through USDA’s FSCSC Program The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) and partners are hosting a webinar for stakeholders and producers that focuses on the new Food Safety Certification for Specialty Crops (FSCSC) program. FSCSC will provide up to $200 million[Read More…]
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2022 – Producers can now take a nationwide survey to help the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) improve and increase access to its programs and services for America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest managers. The survey includes new and existing customers. USDA encourages all agricultural producers to take the survey, especially those who[Read More…]
Registration is now open for the Indiana Small Farm Conference to be held, in person, at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds on March 2nd and 3rd. We have a full schedule of educational opportunities including keynote speakers Hunter Smith from WonderTree Farm on Thursday March 2nd and Sarah Frey from Frey Farms on Friday March 3rd. [Read More…]
Hard copies of the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide (ID-56) are available. This annually revised guide is a summary of currently suggested fertility, cultural, and pest management techniques and tools for commercial vegetable growers, and is a collaboration of land-grant universities from eight states. It provides vegetable production information that is valid for the current year[Read More…]
Researchers at Purdue University and the College of Wooster are requesting responses from vegetable growers in the Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic regions to learn more about their insect pest management practices to help direct pest management research and extension programs in specialty crop production! Complete the survey to help us learn more about your pest[Read More…]
NW Indiana vegetable farmers may be wondering if they missed information about the Illiana Vegetable Growers Symposium (aka ‘Teibel’s Meeting’) which normally shows up in the mailbox or email just after Thanksgiving. You haven’t missed anything. Instead of the traditional one-day educational program held at Teibel’s Restaurant in early January, Purdue Extension in NW Indiana[Read More…]
Space is limited, so register soon! The Conference will feature educational tracks in Vegetables, Small Fruits, Tree Fruits, Business and Marketing, Food Safety, Farming Basics, and Apple Production for Beginners. Additional events will include a Networking Dinner, Sweet Cider Contest, Silent Auction, and Poster Session. Lunch will be provided both days and is included with[Read More…]
Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers annual meeting will be held in French Lick Resort & Casino on Jan 20, 2023, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. $15.00 per person will be collected at registration to join or renew your Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers Association membership.[Read More…]
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