Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers Annual Meeting – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers Annual Meeting

Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers annual meeting will be held in French Lick, IN on March 13, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Participants will learn from Purdue extension specialists about the newly searchable Midwest Vegetable Production Guide; new updates on food safety; watermelon grafting; impacts of pesticide use on pollinator health; weed management; lessons from truck and equipment collision. In addition, Jamie Campbell Petty from the Midwest Hemp Council will give the presentation Hemp as a New Crop. A detailed agenda is attached.

The meeting is sponsored by Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers Association. Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting. $15.00 per person will be collected at the time of registration to join or renew your Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers Association membership, which includes lunch on March 13, as well as dinner at a winter technical meeting, which will be held in Nov. at the Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center.

Private Applicator Recertification Program credits will be available for an additional $10.00 per person and will be collected at the end of the PARP session.  You must attend all the PARP sessions indicated on the agenda to receive credit. Bring your PARP card or number with you. We have also applied for CCH credits for category 1 and RT. Please RSVP for this meeting no later than March 1, 2020. You can call the SWPAC office at (812) 886-0198 or email Barb Joyner ( with reservations including all those in your household or business that will be attending with you.

If you are interested in having a booth at the meeting, please also contact Barb Joyner ((812) 886-0198 or


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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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