Spotted lanternfly has been Detected in Indiana – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Spotted lanternfly has been Detected in Indiana

We were all hoping it would happen later, but unfortunately, the spotted lanternfly (SLF) (Lycorma delicatula) (Figure 1), an invasive planthopper with a piercing-sucking feeding strategy, was officially detected in Vevay, Indiana (Switzerland County) for the first time in July 2021. You can see pictures and read more about the detection at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Website. SLF does not attack vegetable crops and does not bite or sting people or pets.

Figure 1. A spotted lanternfly adult with wings folded against body at rest (left) and wings open to show red on hindwings (right). Photos from and

Figure 1. A spotted lanternfly adult with wings folded against body at rest (left) and wings open to show red on hindwings (right). Photos from and

Spotted lanternfly was first detected in the United States in Pennsylvania in 2014, and based on what we’ve learned from research and updates on this insect in Pennsylvania, SLF poses the greatest threat to the tree fruit, grape, hardwood nursery, and hops industries. Fortunately for Indiana stakeholders, significant effort has been focused on understanding the ecology of this insect, including which host plants this insect prefers to feed on, their behavior and movement patterns, and of course population management with insecticides. This insect can be managed with insecticides that most commercial fruit producers already use; however, we still have work to do to learn which products are most effective.

At this time, we are planning a SLF webinar update for tree and small fruit producers in the state, so please stay tuned! In the meantime, the best thing you can do as a producer or community member is remain vigilant for this insect in your area. If you suspect an insect as SLF, please do not attempt to capture or collect the insect. Instead, please report it immediately by calling 866-NO EXOTIC (866-663-9684) or send an email (with a photo of the insect if possible) to

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Page last modified: August 12, 2021

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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