Striped Cucumber Beetles – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Striped Cucumber Beetles

​So far it appears that populations of striped cucumber beetles appear to be low to moderate in most areas. The often cool and/or wet weather may be suppressing their activity currently, so be prepared if we get a period of warm, dry weather. Remember that cantaloupes and cucumbers are most susceptible to bacterial wilt, so the threshold for treatment is relatively low, 1 beetle/plant. For watermelons, pumpkins, and most squashes, the threshold is 5 beetles/plant because those cucurbits are less susceptible to bacterial wilt. When treating cucurbits that are in bloom for beetles, growers should wait to begin spraying until the flowers have closed up for the day. Ideally, sprays should be applied late in the evening if possible, because the potential for bee kills are reduced and that will allow for maximum residue levels on the foliage the next day.

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Page last modified: February 8, 2016

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