Survey to Gage Willingness to use Row Covers to Manage Pests – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Survey to Gage Willingness to use Row Covers to Manage Pests

We are conducting a survey to learn about your experiences using row covers and your willingness to adopt a new row cover approach known as mesotunnels. Our study is evaluating the use of mesotunnels in the eastern half of the US for control of the full range of pests and diseases on organic production of cucurbit crops.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may not have used mesotunnels or row cover systems in your production, that is perfectly fine and we still value your opinions. Your responses are valuable to us and will contribute to improving row cover innovations.

To participate the survey, please use this link:

The responses you provide will be kept completely confidential, and results will be reported in a summary form only. Please answer the questions by clicking on a response option or entering text in the box. You will have an opportunity to add comments at the end of the survey.

(Note: Use the corresponding PI’s name)

Dr. David Gonthier, Assistant Professor of Entomology, University of Kentucky,, (859) 257-9364

Dr. Ric Bessin, Extension Professor of Entomology, University of Kentucky,, (859) 257-7456

Thank you in advance for your time and attention!

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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