Hydroponic Lettuce Production Workshop
The department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture is hosting a Hydroponic Lettuce Production Workshop on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, 8:30 am to 11:30 am (EST) in room 222, Horticulture Building at Purdue University. Topics include: Most common mistakes made during hydroponic lettuce production (Petrus Langenhoven); Nutrition, temperature and supplemental lighting for hydroponic lettuce production (Krishna Nemali); Market access (Jodee Ellett), and Tour of hydroponic lettuce research at HLA (Krishna Nemali and Petrus Langenhoven). The workshop is free, please RSVP no later than March 20, 2017 by contacting Lori Jolly-Brown (ljollybr@purdue.edu). For More information, please contact Petrus Langenhoven (plangenh@purdue.edu) or Krishna Nemali (knemali@purdue.edu).
Michiana Vegetable & Fruit Growers Meeting
Purdue Extension and Michigan State University Extension services are hosting a daylong event that runs from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on March 21, 2017, at the Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds, 17746 County Road 34, Goshen, Indiana. Topics include: Marketing; Understanding soil test; Nutrient management; Insect management in fruits and vegetables; Greenhouse and high tunnel management; Tomato and cucurbit disease management. The registration fee is $30. PARP credits are available for an additional $10. Registration dealine is March 14. To access the complete agenda and registration, go to https://extension.purdue.edu/Kosciusko/Pages/article.aspx?intItemID=23932 For more information, contact John Woodmansee at jwoodman@purdue.edu
Horticultural Business Webinar
The Horticultural Business Webinar will be held on March 29, 2017, 11:00 am-12:00 pm EST. Participants will learn main objections prospects have to saying yes; how to sell a relationship and make a fortune; what pitfalls to avoid that can kill the deal; top attributes of sales success. The webinar is free, click here to register: https://purdue.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIXhXsqnMOlIH6R
eOrganic Webinars
eOrganic provides a series of great webinars in organic farming practices and research. The upcoming webinars that might interest vegetable farmers include Using Biofungicides, Biostimulants and Boifertilizers to Boost Crop Productivity and Help Manage Vegetable Diseases (March 30); Use of High Glucosinolate Mustard as an Organic Biofumigant in Vegetable Crops (April 11). Registration and more information about the webinar series are available at http://articles.extension.org/pages/25242/webinars-by-eorganic
2017 Small Farms Winter Webinar Series of University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension presents a weekly educational series for the small farm community. All the webinars are free and are recorded. Upcoming topics might interest vegetable growers include Benefits of Mulching Vegetables (March 23); Soil Management for High Tunnels (March 30). Information about registration and the list of topics can be found at https://web.extension.illinois.edu/registration/?RegistrationID=15522 All the webinars are or will be available at http://www.youtube.com/c/IllinoisLocalFoods