More Virtual Programs – Vegetable Crops Hotline

More Virtual Programs

Many vegetable programs are going virtual this year. Although we missed the in-person experience, the virtual meetings provide opportunities for participating in meetings we usually can’t. Even better, many great events are free of charge, and the cost to attend large conferences is more affordable. Here are some of the upcoming free events that you may find interesting to attend.  A complete list of big shows can be found on this Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group site. 

Southern New England Vegetable Growers’ Webinar Series
This series includes 4 sessions, and it is free of charge.
Pest of the Year!  Jan. 14
Winter Greens Diseases & Variety Trials. Jan 28
Greenhouse Seedling Production: Compost-based potting mix, nutrient management, chlorination, and tray selection. Feb. 11
High Tunnel Fertility Research Update Feb. 25

OSU Specialty Crops Team and Ohio Controlled Environment Agric Center Virtual High Tunnel School
The program will include six live sessions that last one hour, and cover two key subjects each. Registration is free. All sessions are virtual and will be from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. ET on the days listed.
– January 12. Beginner: High Tunnels and other Season Extension Options
– January 19. Beginner: Starting Right with High Tunnel Production
– January 26. Intermediate: Pesticide Selection and Tomato Foliar Diseases
– February 2. Intermediate: Common Issues and Next – level Environmental Management
– February 9. Advanced: Year-round Harvest, Marketing, Irrigation and Fertility Essentials
– February 16. Advanced: Soil Biology, Chemistry, and Tilth Holding you Back?
Registration of the event at


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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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