Reflex Herbicide Now Registered for Use in Select Indiana Vegetables – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Reflex Herbicide Now Registered for Use in Select Indiana Vegetables

As of March 29, 2022, Reflex herbicide is registered for use on select vegetables in the state of Indiana through an indemnified 24(c) special local needs label. Below we discuss what this means for Indiana vegetable producers and how to access the new label.

What crops are included?:

Pea (succulent)

Bell and non-bell pepper (transplanted)


Tomato (transplanted)

Summer squash

Winter squash


Why it matters:

-The active ingredient in Reflex (fomesafen) is a Group 14 herbicide. For many of the crops on the 24(c) label, Reflex is the only Group 14 herbicide available. Rotating herbicides with different Group numbers is one way to slow the onset of herbicide-resistant weeds.

-Reflex offers control and/or suppression of some difficult-to-control and large-seeded broadleaf weed species often missed by other pre-emergence herbicides including common lambsquarters, giant ragweed, and morningglories. It also provides another option for pigweed control and can provide yellow nutsedge suppression.

Important notes:

-You must have a copy of the Indiana 24(c) Reflex label in order to use the product on these vegetable crops.

-Reflex is not intended to be used as a stand-alone weed control practice. It should be part of an overall weed management program that includes other control methods.

-As with any new pesticide or production practice, it is best to avoid whole-farm changes. If you choose to use Reflex herbicide, trial it on a portion of your production the first year to see how it fits with your current production practices.

-Labeled application methods vary by crop. Read the label carefully.

Where to find the Reflex 24(c) label:

1) Visit the Office of the Indiana State Chemist’s Special Local Need Registrations Website at:

2) In the table of products, clip on “Reflex Herbicide” to download a pdf of the label.

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Page last modified: April 7, 2022

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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