Common names: Common ragweed, annual ragweed, hogweed, hay-fever weed, Roman wormweed, and bitterweed. Latin name: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. “Ambrosia” is from Greek mythology and refers to the food or drink of the gods, often associated with granting immortality. Meanwhile, “artemisiifolia” indicates that the foliage of common ragweed looks like the foliage of plants from the[Read More…]
Common names: purslane, pusley, pursley, wild portulaca, common portulaca, little hooweed, low pigweed Latin name: Portulaca oleracea L. Family: Portulacaceae (Purslane family) Life Cycle Common purslane is a summer annual that extends along the ground with its thick, fleshy stems and leaves (Figure 1). Thanks to its ability to reproduce not only by seeds but[Read More…]
Earlier this year, FMC released a supplemental label for Anthem® Flex herbicide that includes additional uses for potatoes and mint. Anthem® Flex is a premix product containing pyroxasulfone (the active ingredient in Zidua® SC) and carfentrazone (the active ingredient in Aim® EC). Carfentrazone, a postemergence contact herbicide, is registered for use in Indiana for both[Read More…]
In a press release on August 6, 2024, the EPA announced the emergency suspension of all registrations of DCPA (marketed and sold as Dacthal® herbicide). The full press release can be viewed here: EPA Issues Emergency Order to Stop Use of Pesticide Dacthal to Address Serious Health Risk | US EPA Why did EPA do[Read More…]
Common names: Ground ivy, gill-over-the-ground, creeping Charlie, field balm, haymaids, cat’s foot, alehoffs Latin name: Glechoma hederacea L. Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family) General Description and Identification Ground ivy is a perennial herbaceous plant that creeps along the soil surface and thrives in moist and shady areas (Figure 1). It was introduced to the US from[Read More…]
Across the state, pumpkin plantings are hitting their stride with varying degrees of success. The grower phone calls I’ve received lately revolve around options for managing emerged weeds. Broadcast options are limited to grass-selective herbicides such as sethoxydim, clethodim, and halosulfuron (Sandea®) for small broadleaf weeds and sedge suppression. All of these products can result[Read More…]
Common names: Yellow nutsedge, yellow nutgrass, nut sedge, chufa, earth almond, northern nutgrass Latin names: Cyperus esculentus L. Family: Cyperaceae (Sedge family) General Description Perennial sedges are among the most troublesome weed species globally across agronomic crops, horticultural crops and turfgrass. Because nutsedges look like grasses (Figure 1), they are often referred to as “nutgrasses”.[Read More…]
Common names: Carpetweed, Indian chickweed, whorled chickweed, devils-grip, green carpetweed Latin name: Mollugo verticillata L. Family: Molluginaceae General Description and Life Cycle Carpetweed is a summer annual. Compared to other summer annual weeds, its germination is usually later in the summer. The plant grows rapidly and reproduces by seeds. Carpetweed is mostly found in dry[Read More…]
The use of silage tarps for weed management has increased dramatically in recent years, including in our own research in the Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab at Purdue University. This article answers five common questions about tarping for weed management. What are silage tarps? Silage tarps are reusable, opaque plastic sheets that are black on[Read More…]
Common names Common milkweed, silkweed, cotton-weed, Virginia silk, wild cotton, silky milkweed, common silkweed, showy milkweed, swallow wort. Latin name Asclepias syriaca. “Asclepias” from Asklepios, the Ancient Greek god of medicine and healing. “syriaca” is Latin for the country of Syria and was so named because Linnaeus mistakenly thought this plant came from Syria. Family[Read More…]