Tough® 5EC Herbicide Now Registered in Indiana with a Section 3 Label – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Tough® 5EC Herbicide Now Registered in Indiana with a Section 3 Label

Pyridate herbicide was once a cornerstone of broadleaf weed control in mint before its market withdrawal. Recently the use of pyridate (Tough® 5EC) was limited to emergency exemption use, also known as a Section 18 label, which had to be requested and approved annually. However, a new Tough® 5EC label was approved by the EPA on September 3, 2020 and registered in Indiana on February 5, 2021 (IND Reg. No. 2021087148).

Pyridate is a photosystem II inhibitor (Group 6) used for postemergence weed control of selected broadleaf weeds including pigweeds. It does not offer residual (preemergence) weed control. To decrease the likelihood of herbicide resistance, pyridate should not be used in conjunction with other Group 6 herbicides such as Basagran® (bentazon) and Moxy® 2E (bromoxynil).

If you choose to use pyridate in your overall mint weed management program, please review the Section 3 label on the BelchimUSA website at:

Some of the key points:

-The current version of the Section 3 label includes only three crops: field corn, chickpea, and mint.  Sweet corn and popcorn are not included in this label.

-Two applications of 24 fluid oz/acre may be made per season. Do not exceed 48 oz/ treated acre per year.

-Target weeds smaller than 3” tall and/or the 4-leaf stage, and ensure good coverage.

-Apply with ground equipment only. Aerial applications are not allowed.

-Include an approved spray adjuvant.

-Do not apply within 49 days of harvest.

What are the differences between the new Section 3 label and the previous Section 18 labels?

-The Section 18 had limited use to one application of 24 oz per year. The current Section 3 allows for up to two applications of 24 oz per year.

-The Section 18 had limited use to select counties in Indiana with a maximum total allowable use area of 11,200 acres state-wide. The current Section 3 does not have these restrictions.

-With the Section 18 registration, applicators were required to have both the product label and the Section 18 label in hand. When using newly labeled Tough® 5EC, only the product label will need to be in hand.

-The effective dates for the Section 18 labels were limited to summer months and renewed annually. The Section 3 label will not require annual renewal.

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Page last modified: April 24, 2023

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