Finding a Special Local Needs Pesticide Label Online – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Finding a Special Local Needs Pesticide Label Online

​Some of the herbicides available for use on vegetables in Indiana are registered under a supplemental label or under a special local needs (SLN, 24(c)) registration. In these cases the instructions for use on vegetables are not on the main label that comes with the purchased product. For instance, in the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide, Dual Magnum® is listed as an option for watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumber in Indiana and Ohio. The label on the herbicide container doesn’t list those crops. Neither does the main label available from a common online label site, This is because the product is registered for use on these crops under a special local needs (24(c)) registration. Anyone using the product should have on hand a copy of the label that provides specific instructions for use on the crop in question, in addition to the main label.  The 24(c) label in this example is available from the Indiana section of the National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (NPIRS). To find it from the main search page for Indiana, search for the product ‘Dual Magnum’, which produces 9 results. One of those results includes  ‘transplanted peppers’ in the title. The linked label includes not only transplanted peppers, but also the cucurbits above, and many greens, carrots, okra, and more. NPIRS is a handy site for finding state-specific label information. If a product is labeled in Indiana, it should be listed on the Indiana portion of that site. Sometimes it is a little difficult to find the special or supplemental labels with instructions for vegetables. Just call or email if you can’t find the label you need and we can help you track it down. 

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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