Welcome to the Vegetable Crops Hotline (VCH), Purdue Extension’s exclusive newsletter for people in the business of growing vegetables.
This issue features articles on integrated insect management strategies, spotlight articles on cucumber beetles and dandelions, and research results from a sweet potato weed management study and a consumer study about salad mixes. We also take a look at the weather and get updates on auction prices from the Clearspring Produce Auction.
Timeless Articles
This issue features three articles published by Dan Egel, who is now retired from Purdue University.
Cantaloupe and Watermelon Transplant Diseases. Issues 673, 688. https://vegcropshotline.org//article/cantaloupe-and-watermelon-transplant-diseases-3/
10 Useful Rules for Fungicide Application. Issues 630, 718. https://vegcropshotline.org//article/10-useful-rules-for-fungicide-application/
Melon Disease Forecaster 2024. Issue 718. https://vegcropshotline.org//article/melon-disease-forecaster-2024/
Website Links
Frequently, we include links to websites or publications available online. If you can’t access these resources, don’t hesitate to contact your local Extension office or us to request a hard copy of the information.
Midwest Vegetable Production Guide
The Midwest Vegetable Production guide is now available for growers to visit online at mwveguide.org. You can also download a free copy of the guide from your computer at mwveguide.org/guide. You may also purchase a hard copy for $12 from Stephen Meyers, slmeyers@purdue.edu.
Do not hesitate to contact me at plangenh@purdue.edu if you have any questions or suggestions for improving the newsletter. Let me know if there are specific topics you would like to see more of in the newsletter. Also, let us know if things are not working for you. We want to improve the newsletter, and your input is valuable.
We hope you enjoy the newsletter. Happy reading!