Welcome to the Vegetable Crops Hotline (VCH), Purdue Extension’s exclusive newsletter for people in the business of growing vegetables.
It almost felt like summer for the past 10 days. That is until we got the cold weather again on April 16. It’s just a reminder that we should not get too eager to plant tender vegetable crops yet. And if you plant, be ready to protect your crop against frost. The Midwestern Regional Climate Center has a great interactive tool with freeze maps https://mrcc.purdue.edu/freeze/freezedatetool.html.

Freeze Date Map https://mrcc.purdue.edu/freeze/freezedatetool.html
In our last issue, we had a lot of information about emergency preparedness in Indiana. Familiarize yourselves with the resources on the Purdue Emergency Preparedness and Planning website https://www.purdue.edu/ehps/emergency-preparedness/
ANR Educators and Growers, reach out to us if you are experiencing a vegetable production-related issue you think other growers need to know of. Remember, we have a great Horticulture Team that can assist you https://extension.purdue.edu/anr/_teams/horticulture/our-team.html
Frequently we include links to websites or publications that are available online. If you can’t access these resources, don’t hesitate to contact your local Extension office or us to request a hard copy of the information.
Remember that all previous articles published in the VCH newsletter are available on the VCH website vegcropshotline.org.
Enjoy reading this issue. Do not hesitate to contact me, Petrus Langenhoven, at plangenh@purdue.edu if you have any questions or suggestions to improve the newsletter.