Indiana Grown – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Indiana Grown

If you have not joined this free marketing and network program for growers, buyers and food producers in Indiana, take a moment to join today! Visit to submit your Member application.

Indiana Grown has received recognition and funding from the State Legislature to strengthen our local and regional food networks. Once you join, you have access to the excellent team at the Indiana State Department of Agriculture to help you make market connections and sales. Heather Tallman, the membership developer is an incredible asset to the program and serves as a major connector for growers and buyers. She talks regularly with buyers and can connect them with members who have known crops available.

Indiana Grown also offers their members events and a newsletter to help you make market connections year-round. Once you develop your online profile, you can update your information on the ‘News’ blog of the website. That will let people know what you are doing at your farm! It’s another fantastic way to access free marketing and networking for your farm business.



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Page last modified: February 16, 2018

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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