Participate in Pest Monitoring to Inform Management – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Participate in Pest Monitoring to Inform Management

We will continue to host two trapping networks in the 2022 growing season. The historical corn earworm (Figure 1) trapping network will continue. This state-wide trapping and monitoring program for corn earworm is crucial to assist growers with timely management decisions in sweet corn production. The latest trap catch information can be found here. Traps (Figure 2) will once again be placed at seven Purdue Agricultural Centers throughout the state.

Figure 1. Corn earworm adult on silk. Photo by John Obermeyer.

Figure 1. Corn earworm adult on silk. Photo by John Obermeyer.

Figure 2. Harstack Trap used to monitor Corn earworm adult activity. Photo by John Obermeyer.

Figure 2. Harstack Trap used to monitor Corn earworm adult activity. Photo by John Obermeyer.

The second trapping network was established in 2021 to monitor squash vine borer (Figure 3), which appears to be particularly damaging on urban farms. The latest trap catch information can be found here. Using bucket traps (Figure 4) baited with a pheromone that smells like the female moth, we can draw males into the trap and monitor adult emergence and mating times.

Squash vine borer adult moth. Photo by John Obermeyer.

Figure 3. Squash vine borer adult moth. Photo by John Obermeyer.

Bucket trap used to monitor squash vine borers.

Figure 4. Bucket trap used to monitor squash vine borers.

Both of these trapping networks are a monitoring tool that provide important biological information about the pests species they target. As a grower, you can use this information to time your management strategies more effectively.

If you would like to host either of these traps on your farm, please contact me at

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Page last modified: March 16, 2022

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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