Strawberry Chat Update— Farmer Interviews – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Strawberry Chat Update— Farmer Interviews

This summer, we interviewed four farmers growing strawberries in plasticulture in Indiana. Their business is on different scales, and they sell through varied market channels. How do strawberries fit into their overall crop and market strategy? What are the opportunities and challenges? The lessons the experienced farmers share will be of great value to others interested in this crop.

This interview is with Calvin Beasley at Beasley’s Orchard. Beasley’s Orchard, located west of Indianapolis, is a diversified fruit and vegetable farm. Its primary business is in agritourism and U-pick. (

This interview is with Richard Ritter. Richard runs a 20-acre diversified vegetable farm in southwest Indiana. His primary market is a farm stand. (

The next two episodes are interviews with two small-scale, diversified urban farms using organic practices. The farmers participated in on-farm trials with Wenjing on the project ‘Enhance Strawberry Production in North Central Region through Tunnel-based Systems’ supported by North-Central SARE. Both the farmers are new to growing strawberries, and they grow the crops in caterpillar tunnels. They shared their experience and thought about growing strawberries.

This interview is with Nic and Marie, owners of the Outlier Farm in Bloomington, IN.  (

This interview is with David Robb, owner of Eden Prairie Farm in Eden, IN, close to Indianapolis. (


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Page last modified: August 28, 2023

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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