Upcoming Events – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Upcoming Events

High Tunnel Tour at SWPAC

Location: Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center, 4369 North Purdue Road, Vincennes, IN 47591

Date: May 9, 2016, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST

Please join us for a high tunnel tour at Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center. You will see state-of-the-art high tunnels, learn about season extension of strawberry production under high tunnels and early season frost protection by using row covers. We will also discuss the potential of grafted tomatoes and cucumbers grown in high tunnels. The tour is free, to register please call (812) 886-0198. For more information please contact Wenjing Guan at guan40@purdue.edu.


Hops Workshop

Location: 8508 Trentman Road, Fort Wayne, IN 45816

Date: April 16, 2016, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

Topics to be covered include: obtaining and establishing rhizomes and transplants; soil tests and nutrient management plants; weed management; downy mildew management plans; when and how to train bines. The workshop is free. Registration by April 14 to afthompson@purdue.edu or (812) 349-2575


Beginning Farmer Tours

Location: South Circle Farm in Indianapolis

Date: May 26, 2016. 10:45 AM to 4:00 PM EST

Learn about key farm tools for small, intensively managed acres while touring this urban farm that produces fresh, healthy foods using organic practices. Lunch will be served. The tour is free, but registration is required. Please sign up at https://www.edustore.purdue.edu/wk_rules.asp?itemID=22361

Location: Silverthorn Farm, near Rossville, Indiana

Date: June 25, 2016 time has not been finalized

The farm uses organic practices to produce a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and pastured pork. The tour will include a session on working with restaurants. A meal will be served. The tour is free, but registration is required. Please sign up at https://www.edustore.purdue.edu/wk_rules.asp?itemID=22362


Food Safety Workshop

A series of workshops will help produce marketers better understand food safety practices to lower the risk of contamination by a foodborne illness. Workshop “On-Farm Food Safety for Produce Direct Marketers” will be held on the following dates and locations (all times local):

April 26: Morgan County Administration Building, 180 S. Main St., Martinsville; 7:00 PM.; Amanda Dickson, (765) 342-1010.

April 28: Posey County Fairgrounds, 111 Harmony Township Road, New Harmony; 7:00 PM. Jon Neufelder, (812) 838-1331.

There is no cost, registration is available at http://bit.ly/1nhXZyt. For any additional questions, contact Monroe at jsmonroe@purdue.edu or (812) 886-0198.

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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