Upcoming Events – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Upcoming Events

Pinney Purdue Vegetable Field Day and Sweet Corn Sampler. Thursday, August 13, 2015. 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CDT. Pinney Purdue Ag Center, 11402 S. County Line Rd., Wanatah, IN. Plot tours include soil health management and disease suppressive soils, tomatoes and peppers in high tunnels, and sweet corn varieties. Private Applicator Recertification (PARP) Credit available. To register, visit http://tinyurl.com/no6tosr or contact Lori Jolly-Brown, ljollybr@purdue.edu, or 765-494-1296.

Beginning Farmer Tours. Free farm tours and networking events sponsored by Purdue Extension and Local Growers Guild. For more information and to register contact the Purdue Extension Education Store at www.edustore.purdue.edu or 888-EXT-INFO.

  • August 18: Redbud Farm, home of Caprini Creamery, Spiceland, IN. Breakfast, networking, lunch and tour.
  • September 8: Growing Places Indy, Indianapolis, IN. Lunch, networking session, tour. Urban produce farm with raised beds, u-pick, and greenhouses.
  • September 14: Morning Harvest, Palmyra and Hardinsburg, IN. Breakfast, networking session, lunch and tour. Developing local markets for produce, including marketing to institutions such as hospitals and schools, hydroponic lettuce, herbs, strawberries, and more.
  • October 11: Wayne-Egenolf Farm, Spencer, IN. Lunch, networking session, tour. Grassfed beef, pastured pork, and eggs.
  • November 7: Perkins Good Earth Farm, DeMotte, IN. Breakfast, networking session, lunch, tour. Soil health, cover crops, vegetable and high tunnel production.

Indiana Pesticide Clean Sweep .  To dispose of pesticides, first, complete the Pesticide Clean Sweep Planning Form to the best of your ability www.oisc.purdue.edu/pesticide/clean_sweep.html. Mail, fax or e-mail the completed form to Kevin Neal at OISC, 175 S. University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907-2063, 765-494-4331, or nealk@purdue.edu no later than Monday, July 30, 2015.

  • August 18: Miami County Fairgrounds, Peru, IN
  • August 19: Elkhart County Fairgrounds, Goshen, IN
  • August 20: Randolph County Fairgrounds, Winchester, IN
  • August 26: Decatur County Fairgrounds, Greensburg, IN 
  • August 27: Hendricks County Fairgrounds, Danville, IN
Register for Pinney Purdue Veg Day/Sweet Corn Sampler

Register for Pinney Purdue Veg Day/Sweet Corn Sampler

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Page last modified: February 8, 2016

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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