Updates to the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Updates to the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide

The Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2018 (ID-56) was printed in December 2017.  At the same time, the on-line version was posted at mwveguide.org.  As updates need to be made to the ID-56, I will make those updates to the on-line version. I will announce these updates in the Hotline as I post them. Consider the updates below and mark those updates in the hard copy of your ID-56 that will affect you. Briefly, Quadris Top® has been changed to silent on greenhouse use, Luna® products have been added to crops in the fruiting vegetable chapter, and RUP® has been added to Pounce 25WP® under sweet corn. My thanks to the several individuals who have suggested updates.

Fungicide table, page 79-Change Quadris Top® from no to silent under the column for greenhouse use.

Eggplant, page 134-under anthracnose, add Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Eggplant, page 134, under white mold, add Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Pepper, page 137, under anthracnose, add Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Pepper, page 138, under powdery mildew, add Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Pepper, page 139, under white mold, add Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Tomato, page 141, under anthracnose, add Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Tomato, page 142, under Botrytis gray mold, add Luna Tranquility® at 11.2 fl. oz. per acre. 1-day PHI and Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Tomato, page 143, under early blight and Septoria leaf spot, add Luna Tranquility® at 11.2 fl. oz. per acre. 1-day PHI and Luna Sensation® at 5-7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Tomato, page 145, under powdery mildew, add Luna Tranquility® at 11.2 fl. oz. per acre. 1-day PHI.

Tomato, page 145, under white mold, add Luna Sensation® at 7.6 fl. oz. per acre. 3-day PHI.

Sweet corn, page 227, under fall army worm, add RUP to Pounce 25WP®.

To the table on page 146, add these products:

Fungicide rating code: VG=very good. G=good. F=fair. P=poor. S=suppression only. ID=labeled, but insufficient data to allow rating.

Luna Sensation (12/3)
Common Name
fluopyram (7), trifloxystrobin (11)
Luna Tranquility (12/1)
Common Name
fluopyram (7),  pyrimethanil (9)
Anthracnose(T) S
Anthracnose(P) S
Bacterial canker
Bacterial spot/speck
Botrytis gray mold G ID
Buckeye rot
Early blight ID VG
Septoria leaf spot ID VG
Late blight (tomato)
Phytothphora blight (P)
Leaf mold
White mold G
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Page last modified: April 26, 2018

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