Updates to the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide, 2015 – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Updates to the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide, 2015

While the hard copy of the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2015 (ID-56) has been available since early January, the on-line version is updated as needed. Below I outline the latest changes.

Page 40, Table 16. Several insecticide products were added to the “Insecticide Labeling for Greenhouse Use” table.

Page 100, Cucurbit chapter. Luna Privilege® was removed from the lists of suggested products for Alternaria leaf blight control and gummy stem blight/black rot control. While Luna Privilege® is labeled for these uses, it is not available yet.

Page 100, Cucurbit chapter. The rates for Presidio® for downy mildew and Phytophthora blight control were modified by the manufacturer.

Page 109, Product/Disease Rating for All Cucurbits. Several products were deleted, added, or modified in the Product/Disease Ratings for All Cucurbits table. These include Luna Experience®, Actigard®, Revus® and Presidio®.

Page 125, Fruiting Vegetable Chapter. Ridomil Gold SL® was added to the list of recommended products for buckeye rot and Phytophthora blight control in tomato

Page 125, Fruiting Vegetable Chapter. Gavel 75DF® was added to the list of recommended products for leaf mold control in tomato.

Page 130, Product/Disease Ratings for All Fruiting Vegetables. Several products were deleted, added, or modified in the Product/Disease Ratings for All Fruiting Vegetables table. These include Bravo®, Dithane®, Priaxor®, Quadris Top®, Fontelis® and Inspire Super®. 

Note that the index page http://mwveguide.org/ for the on-line version of the ID-56 details the change history. If you have questions or comments about any of these changes or want a hardcopy of the changes, contact me at egel@purdue.edu or (812) 886-0198.

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Page last modified: April 9, 2015

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