Pumpkins, peppers, sweet corn, compost, tomatoes, and more will be discussed at the August 24th Vegetable Twilight Meeting at Pinney Purdue Ag Center, 5 to 8 p.m. Central Time. Vegetable farmers, market gardeners, urban farmers, and home gardeners are invited to tour trials and hear from researchers and educators about weed management in pumpkins; key tips for pepper production; no-till sweet corn; compost and its interaction with soil micro-organisms, plant disease, and plant nutrition; managing spider mites in high tunnels/hoophouses; and managing diseases of pumpkins and tomatoes. There will be sweet corn tasting after the program. Pinney Purdue Ag Center is located at 11402 S. County Line Rd., Wanatah, Indiana.
Register at tinyurl.com/Twilight2023. For more information please get in touch with Nikky Witkowski at (219) 465-3555 or nikky@purdue.edu. Please register by Monday, August 21, 2023.