Veggie Texts – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Veggie Texts

The vegetable extension team at Purdue University is always looking for innovative ways to get information to clients quickly. For this reason, we are trying out a new program called veggie texts.

The idea is that if we have your mobile phone number and the name of your phone carrier, then we can send you text alerts of 160 characters or less.

What type of information should you expect with veggie texts? We may contact you with weather information such as forecast freezes, disease alerts such as late blight of tomato or insect alerts such as corn earworm populations. Cantaloupe and watermelon growers may be contacted when there is a large increase in MELCAST values. Since the alerts are relatively short, we may include links to additional information.

To sign up for the veggie text program, please contact us with –

  • Your mobile phone number
  • The name of your phone carrier. Common brand names of phone carriers include: AT&T; Verizon; T-Mobile, Sprint PCS; Virgin Mobile; US Cellular; Nextel; Boost; Alltel.

Alternatively, if you would rather receive the same information via email, just contact us with your email address and we will add you to the list. You can call or email Dan Egel at the number above or leave a message with Barbara Joyner at the same phone number with this information.

This program is new and experimental. There may be some technical issues to overcome. As the program progresses, if you have ideas for how to improve information or its delivery, please let us know.

In any case, we look forward to interacting with you in this new way.

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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