OFRI Farmer-Led Trials Program – Applications Open October 2024 – Vegetable Crops Hotline

OFRI Farmer-Led Trials Program – Applications Open October 2024

OFRF believes in supporting organic farmers and ranchers in their constant search for innovation and farm profitability. The FLT program puts farmers in the driver’s seat, and recognizes their wisdom, experimentation and problem solving skills. Built in the spirit of curiosity and collaboration, this program will support farmers and ranchers in conducting impactful research that can address their unique challenges.

Organic farming and ranching takes dedication, financial investment, and a great deal of trial and error to adapt to a growing array of pest, disease, and soil health challenges. In order to address the challenges certified organic and transitioning-to-organic producers face, OFRF’s FLT program will provide support for on-farm learning trials aimed at testing new practices, inputs, varieties, or animal breeds that can improve profitability and environmental sustainability, leading to more resilient organic farms and ranches.

To learn more, visit the Organic Research Foundation page HERE https://ofrf.org/research/farmer-led-research-trials/

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