2016 Watermelon and Cantaloupe Variety Trials at Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center – Vegetable Crops Hotline

2016 Watermelon and Cantaloupe Variety Trials at Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center

Every year since 1980, we have conducted watermelon and cantaloupe variety trials at Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center. In 2016, our variety trials include 44 standard seedless watermelons, 12 cantaloupes, 4 mini-sized seedless watermelons, and 5 seeded watermelon varieties. Seeds have already been planted in the greenhouses and our target date for transplanting in the field will be the week of May 9th. The fruit will become ripe around the middle of July. If you are interested in observing how each variety performs during the season, don’t hesitate to come to visit us and witness the plots first hand.

We will continue to present the results of our variety trials, as in the past, at the annual meeting held at the Southwest Purdue Ag Center in late November or early December but don’t miss the opportunity to visualize them during the growing season. In the winter meeting, we will discuss yield and fruit quality (sugar content, flesh firmness, hollow heart etc.) of these varieties. Please watch for the announcement that will be sent out later this year as to the exact date. Below is a list of the varieties that will be in our trails this year. We also want to give special thanks to the seed companies that continue to support our research here at the Southwest Purdue Ag Center this year and in the years past.

To visit, please contact Wenjing Guan at guan40@purdue.edu, or (812)886-0198.

Standard seedless watermelon varieties

Sweet Dawn Exclamation Excursion-WDL2413 Sugar Fresh
Captivation Fascination HSR 4638 HSR4631
Joy Ride Road Trip Summer Breeze 7167
7197 Warrior Embasy KB 12106
Kb 15010 Charismatic Unbridled Secretariat
Kingman Traveler Wayfarer Crunchy Red
Poseidon Neptune Premont Cut Above
Wolverine Razorback UGR 1763-14 UGR 1762-14
Prime Chubbiness 3F-4139 3F-2186
3F-4221 ORS6064b ORS6227 Maxima
Talca ORS12.154a USAW 90020 Distinction


Cantaloupe varieties

Infinite Gold NUN 26181 NUN 26191 Sweet East
Maxi East Durawest SV5196MF ME3743
ME3716 Aphrodite Athena IM 183


Mini-sized seedless watermelon varieties

Extazy Serval Ocelott Krimson Kiss


Seeded watermelon varieties

Sentinel Regency Santa Matilde SV8443WL Royal Sweet
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