Bell Pepper Varieties for Phytophthora Resistance – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Bell Pepper Varieties for Phytophthora Resistance

Phytophthora blight caused by the pathogen Phytophthora capsici is one of the most important diseases in pepper production (Figure 1). The disease is difficult to control once established in a field. Using host resistance is an important approach in managing this disease. In past years, Rutgers Cooperative Extension has evaluated new bell pepper cultivars and breeding lines for their resistance to P. capsici. 

In the 2021 bell pepper variety trial report, cultivars Playmaker, Paladin, Aristotle X3R, Turnpike, Captain were identified as resistant. Turnpike and Aristotle X3R had a high yield among the resistant cultivars. Turnpike tend to produce more extra large fruit compared to Aristotle.

Detailed information about this variety trial can be found at Rutgers-Pepper-Phytophthora-Blight-Final-Report-2021.pdf

Figure 1. The pepper plants in the foreground have wilted and died from infection from Phytophthora blight. This disease tends to concentrate in low areas of the field where water stands

Figure 1. The pepper plants in the foreground have wilted and died from infection from Phytophthora blight. This disease tends to concentrate in low areas of the field where water stands.

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Page last modified: March 17, 2022

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