Chateau Herbicide SW 24(c) label – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Chateau Herbicide SW 24(c) label

Chateau SW® herbicide now has a 24(c) special local needs label for cucurbits. This product is produced by Valent, but the label is held by the Indiana Vegetable Growers Association (IVGA).  To obtain a label, one must be a member of the IVGA, pay an annual $100 processing fee, read and understand the ‘conditions for use’ and have the appropriate forms signed and notarized. One cannot use Chateau SW® without completing these forms and obtaining a label. This process must be repeated every year.

Chateau® can only be used in row middles between raised plastic mulch beds that are 4 inches higher than the treated row middle. The mulched bed must be at least 24 inches wide. The application must be directed between rows with a shielded sprayer. Chateau® cannot be applied post-transplant. Do not apply more than 4 oz. of Chateau® per acre at a broadcast rate during a single application. A rainfall is required after application, but prior to transplant. Plant injury can result through misapplication. More important details are available on the label.

For more information about the 3rd party labeling process or a copy of the appropriate forms, contact Dan Egel.  For more information about applications of Chateau®, contact Wenjing Guan.



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Page last modified: May 10, 2018

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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