Colorado Potato Beetles – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Colorado Potato Beetles

I have received some reports of Colorado potato beetles damaging both potatoes and tomatoes, including tomatoes in high tunnels. Both the adults and larvae are voracious feeders. As with most pests, it is best to get potato beetles under control before the populations get too high. Also, killing small larvae is easier than killing large ones, so spraying earlier will provide better control. We have had numerous reports of resistance to the pyrethroids in Indiana, so I generally don’t recommend those products. If you try one and it works, then you probably don’t have a resistant population at this point. For most of the state, I recommend one of the following products, Admire Pro®, Agri-Mek®, Assail, Coragen®, Exirel®, Radiant®, and Rimon®. Note that Coragen® and Radiant® cannot be used in high tunnels.

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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