Dates Announced for Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Dates Announced for Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training

Beginning this month, Purdue Extension will offer produce food safety trainings throughout Indiana. The trainings utilize the Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) training curriculum and will be offered at multiple locations across the state.

For produce farms that are covered under the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule, at least one manager or responsible person is required to receive food safety training equivalent to FDA’s standardized curriculum. Completion of a PSA grower training is one way to meet that requirement.

For growers who are not covered by the Produce Safety Rule, the trainings are an excellent introduction to produce food safety and will be useful to those who are beginning to develop a food safety program on their farm, or who want to learn more about this topic.

There are currently 6 offerings across the state. Classes are from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Cost is $100. This includes a curriculum manual, certificate of completion, and lunch. Participants may register for any location by going to and clicking on the “Get Trained” option.

In addition to the scheduled classes, groups of growers may request additional trainings by contacting Scott Monroe ( or Amanda Deering ( Additional class offerings will be posted on the Safe Produce Indiana website as they are scheduled. Current offerings for 2019-20 are:

November 15, 2019

Purdue Extension Food Safety Training Hub (located in the Vincennes University Agricultural Center).

4207 N. Purdue Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591

Start Date: Friday November 15, 2019 | Start Time: 9:00 AM | End Time: 5:00 PM All Times Eastern

December 20, 2019

Harrison County -Purdue Harrison County Extension Office

247 Atwood St, Corydon IN 47112

Start Date: Friday December 20, 2019 | Start Time: 9:00 AM | End Time: 5:00 PM All Times Eastern

January 17, 2020

Porter County-Pinney Purdue Agricultural

11402 S. County Line Rd, Wanatah IN 46390

Start Date: Friday January 17, 2020 | Start Time: 9:00 AM | End Time: 5:00 PM All Times Eastern

February 10, 2020

Marion County – Hort Congress- Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel

7202 East 21st Street, Indianapolis IN 46219

Start Date: Monday February 1, 2020 | Start Time: 9:00 AM | End Time: 5:00 PM All Times Eastern

March 20, 2020

Lagrange County – Location TBA

Start Date: Friday March 20, 2020 | Start Time: 9:00 AM | End Time: 5:00 PM All Times Eastern

April 7, 2020

 Ivy Tech-Richmond McDaniel Hall

2357 Chester Blvd., Richmond IN 47374

Start Date: Tuesday April 7, 2020 | Start Time: 9:00 AM | End Time: 5:00 PM All Times Eastern

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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