Indiana Climate and Weather Report – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Indiana Climate and Weather Report

The rain seems to keep falling, barely providing time for things to dry out and start planting!  The last few weeks has experienced up to 2” above normal precipitation – particularly for west-central and southern Indiana, which is near the 125th-125th percentile. Warm days seem to be relatively few and far between, causing a slow start to growing degree-day (GDD) accumulations. While it is still early in the season, Indiana has only accumulated about 30-60 GDD units, with the few amounts to the north. Hard freezes (<= 28°F are still in recent memory, with the most recent hard freeze occurring just last week (April 1-3).  For April 8-16, precipitation forecasts are predicting 1.5”-2.5” of rain, with the higher amounts expected in the southern half of the state. There is still a 25-50% chance of a 32°F freeze occurring in southern counties and over a 90% chance of a freeze occurring in the northern half of the state (see Figure).

Dr. Beth Hall is the new Indiana State Climatologist.  She can be reached at or (765) 494-8060.

Figure 1. Probability of a 32°F freeze still occurring after April 9th.

Figure 1. Probability of a 32°F freeze still occurring after April 9th.

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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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